Friday, 18 October 2013

Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer -Professional bodybuilding

It is said that Sandown organized the first bodybuilding competition in 1901 in the UK. His name is a lot of competition. Participation rate exceeded largely what they expected the petitioners. People were refused entry and the participants. The first bodybuilding competition held in the United States in 1904 in New York. People rushed to take even the first price were only $ 1,000. Competition Mr. Universe bodybuilding actually fired general interest in the United States in 1950.

Visit Here - Interest in bodybuilding came from two people who were looking forward to watching the competition, as well as people who trained hard in the headlights. Training has become a serious bodybuilder requires dedication and knowledge. A person who is serious about bodybuilding will have to understand muscle training and a healthy diet. Vesting bodybuilder’s bode want to get their special protein foods as it can be difficult to get all the necessary nutrients in the normal diet a difficult situation an bodybuilders who are also vegetarians as to obtain all the necessary protein in their diet can be very challenging. In these particular cases, protein supplements can be of great help.

These accessories allow the protein to the body rapidly absorbed. Dietary protein can either be taken as a pill or powder that can be mixed with water, milk or eggs. Protein preparations to be confused with the products, improving performance on the market. They are two completely different types of products used for different results. Bodybuilding competitions in the past, seen as superficial and not serious. Now recognizes that people entering into bodybuilding , competing spend many hours training and working hard to obtain the perfect muscle sculpture is going to get the best brands. Judging in natural bodybuilding competition consists of several areas.

The overall balance of the muscles is one of the most important criteria. It is long past time when big biceps gets the best score. Deltoids are compared to the size of calves. On the other hand, barrel chest width is compared with the width of the thigh. Size hips in addition to sweep the back. The judges are really focusing on the best overall appearance rather than just one part of the body. Bodybuilders have long understood this and are focused on all parts of their body during training, rather than one area. "Popeye" model with big biceps and nothing more is definitely gone for good. Fitness Program

Court then focuses on the overall look of a bodybuilder. Symmetrical, attractive body gets the big brands from the judges and wins the first place. This includes both individual carries himself, afraid, posture and types possess by competitors. The judge will look harmonious and healthy body poses. , with the overall benefit to look for body rake judges attention. 's professional bodybuilder takes dedication and focus.

It requires a healthy body and endurance to continue to improve the overall performance. A person who is interested in becoming a professional there are great benefits from bodybuilding, field of interest due to physical fitness and ability. Professional bodybuilding is a discipline for both men and women. What may seem like a simple view of good looking muscles is actually fruit long hours spent refining and defining muscle groups until they reached a balanced whole person healthy and strong.

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Visit Here - We are 11 years old and 1.43 tall would give me some tips to similar my growth, because everyone in college are calling me in college Small. Honestly it's not cool to be short.

We are 18 years old and 1.70 m, although it is a good point, I wonder if I can still take the GH because I like to grow taller. And I would like to know quail are the risks and side effects.

We wonder if we can take HG to grow in height is14, and 1.56 the lowest of my friends and the second lowest in the room.

I have a friend who has 14 years with 1.90 and Most of my friends have on average 1.67 and 1.56 because I so? Now I'm running (training) to be an athlete himself.

Would it help or hurt to grow further?

And what better sport to grow?

Please give me the best tips for growing 1.54 my mother has high, my father the same 1.54 my sister has 1.43 lower (21 years) my other sister has 1.60 (30 years.) My brother has 1.68 (27anos), 1.80 and my other brother (24 years). Fitness Program

Would grow more? Seems that stopped growing!

We are1.68 tall, but would reach 1.78.

Can I take GROWTH HORMONES? Fitness Program =>

We are 16 and 1.8 m, I know that is a good height, above average, already taller than my father (who has 1.77) but I have noticed that we are stopping growing we wonder if I can take GH to grow a little more with Grow taller 4 idiots torrent by Darwin Smith.

Darwin Smith Reviews - Grow a little more

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The poster sent us '0 which is not a hash cash value.

A person with 1:53 to 16 years could take the hormone? Which medications are appropriate and if there is any risk?

We are 25, 1:50 tall, we wonder if there is any treatment for my age so you can develop a few cm and the pros and cons. If there is some medicine, and a physician in the area at I'll be grateful if you point me to that you can start treatment.

We are 17 years old and 1.69 tall would there be any remedy growth rate and a price not so abusive, I wonder also co growth hormones use of side effects has not verified the references that you mentioned above.

Most people 39 years old and 1.65 cm, and I wonder if it is possible a person of my age taking GH, and having a Scores of growth in stature? And what would be the amount of should I take?

We wonder if I can take the HG to grow in height’s 17 years old and 1.58 m. Fitness Program

We are 14 years old and 1.54 m. It would be a normal height for my age if I was still growing.

But we noticed that more than a year that does not grow anything.
We wonder if we could take some hormone to increase my height, which would be, and in what quantity with the help of Grow taller 4 idiots by Darwin Smith.

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Visit Here - We have an 8 year old daughter and surveys that asked endocrinologist confirmed the deficiency in the production of hominoid growth, today the difference in size relative to peers does not seem so great, the difficulty we have is to make feeds because it has little appetite, I doubt if I'm afraid the treatment side effects, as in my husband's family there are several cases of diabetes

Others have commented that this treatment can leave it an adult overweight, like to get more information about such effects and advice, which the risk of not doing the treatment or risk doing? Thank you

Wanted to know if a teenager 18 years (1.70 m), father and mother with 1.80 m 1.71 m can take the hormone for growth? Which specialist should he go and what are the appropriate medication for it and have some risk?

We wonder if there is any treatment for me to take the growth hormone’s 17 and I'm 1.52 tall will have q as I take to grow a few inches.

Endocrinologist I went in and treated myself for about two years or so and q I said with my normal height.

If you take hormone is q could grow already having 17 years and having already. Fitness Program
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Grow taller 4 idiots by Darwin Smith - Risks of side effects

If your17 years old, and less than 1.63 and we wonder if we can take GH, what the risks of side effects are, it actually will work, anyway with Grow taller 4 idiots torrent by Darwin Smith  

Check the advantages - We can say that the abuse of this hormone in women helps to occur gestation of Gemini?

Most 19 years old and 160 we wonder if they can take this medicine and the right dosage qualm thank

If you have a fichu who is 14 years old He has stopped growing since 2 years is currently with 1.45. I've taken on endocrinologists unanswered questions.

 According to the RX fist bone age is 10 years 11 months. But until now the level of GH was not requested by doctors. I feel I have to do something. Can be emotional? In this case take hormone solve?

My son is 2 years and 7 months and has the height of a child of a year old, 81cm.Em which doctor should I take him fuser the test of growth hormone? In three months he grew so 1cm.Isso is normal or should I worry?

Required for your daughter 13 year-measures 1.45 cm, and the doctor did tests prescribed hormone for her not menstruating, to see if it grew a little more, I found not the best, and not given, he said there was no need of growth hormone, not trusted him more, what do I do:

We wonder if the growth hormones works in adults 25 years would 3 cm as I await an answer so thanks. Health Program

If you have a 16 year old son and his stature is very low (1.58), it bothers the very generating up to a certain compound. I've taken the and nothing was done, did the examination of the wrist and spoke was normal we feel we must do something q p / help and wonder what can they do with Grow taller 4 idiots product by Darwin Smith.

Grow taller 4 idiots - Growth problem

Most people awaiting response with their growth problem is Darwin Smith

Most doctor who are 17 years old and I'm 1.50 tall we wonder if I can take the GH but would like to have a follow up  we suffer a lot because of my height awaiting reply.

Check the advantages - Good day, tenho40anos, when he was 24 had children soon after birth twins became very ill after 4yr discovered I had hypothyroidism that epoch had no hair but not by somebody was not sure what happened to me most people know it was one of syndrome complicated name that at the moment we cannot remember something that messed with your height

3 years ago is that my hair again born with a few pounds, this is the summary of the summary of my story, I take the following medications:

We would love to take GH does have some problem with all this my historic Good Afternoon, where can I find a doctor to confrere clarify my doubts. I'm 19 and I'm not as well developed (at the time).

Would any clinical specialization puddle so I contact? I'm 26 and 1:50 can take growth hormone I found very interesting and helped me very well explained I'm 17 and I can take the hormone 1,55

If you 18 your will be 19 this year and have 1.55 tall, I can take hormone growth?

He fare result? I will have a chance to grow a little more? Have a chance to reach the 1.65 height? Is expensive to apply hormone? How much on average the treatment? Health Program =>

Where I can search for that treatment?

26 years old and I wonder if the GH works in adults and how many cm is earned per month doing the treatment? And how much? Answer me please! thank you for Grow taller 4 idiots torrent by Darwin Smith.

Grow taller 4 idiots by Darwin Smith - Growth plane

18 year old guy can still grow with this hormone? May have future cancer May have a shrink sexual appetite and erectile dysfunction explains Darwin smith the author of Grow taller 4 idiots

Check the advantages - 51 years taking hormones to grow taller can take this hormone tablets, or has suspend your growth plane Cancer Risk? Where to buy? Which doctor-savior is prescribing this hormone?

Who is 19 years old can still grow with these hormones when? Which the most appropriate remedy and how to take it?

We are 20 years old and 1.43. I wonder if I can still do the treatment, and how much would get some result and how long the treatment would last.

My son is 13yrs 1:42 It is believed he did not know ok not to do to help him because he did not go to school for kern k all of u not stand it to see my son suffer say the people who have low growth

Growth hormone treatment is 18 can you can use it

Good afternoon

I'm reaching the age of 40 can take the GH?

What are the benefits that it will bring me? Health Program =>

Listening say that can occur in women hair loss, is this true or is it speculation?

Most people who are waiting, for answers to my questions

I'm 44 and I feel like I'm losing lean body mass as well as more we wonder if I can take the growth hormones h for better physical appearance, and would like to know what dosage is indicated and there is no negative side effects with Grow taller 4 idiots torrent by Darwin Smith.

Grow taller 4 idiots by Darwin Smith - Having growth problem

Kids who are over the age of 24 years old and having growth problem 1.55 and I'm not satisfied with my growth formula how do I take this medicine recommends Darwin Smith the author of Grow taller 

Check the advantages - Hilton Ferreira a growth hormones expert said that: Grow taller 4 idiot’s reviews by Darwin Smith is the best product for advance growth to your body

When a person reaches a certain age e.g. 18 years and came to this COM 1.55 m i.e. not had the desired structure. It can take still or have some risk

How do I query to find this kind of treatment?

HELLO GOOD NIGHT. I wonder if they sell at GH pills (supplements) has the same result as the growth and healthy body heights where I buy.

1. I wonder to what age the hormone GH naturally auto in males in relation to the growth of stature.

2. Is there any diet that helps in the activation of this hormone? Specify.

3. After this age it is possible to start a treatment to reach desirable height?

We are 19 to 20 years did some tests with dill. 2 disarm is also closed the space between the fingers of the hand, said over 1 to q could still win some centimeters and spent remedies manipulated in the laboratory with revenue who given him, Health Program

So we took over three months and stopped, I would like to know if q any remedy stimulates a bit of my growth and with aerobics classes column correction in general?

Grow taller 4 idiot’s torrent by Darwin Smith is the solution for your son who has a growth deviancy.

Grow taller 4 idiots by Darwin Smith- Information about

Darwin smith the author of grow taller 4 idiots thinks it very wrong to take growth hormones for growing taller

Check the advantages - With the rise of the knowledge related to medicine, the doctors holds enough information to diagnose and prescribe the use of this substance in a correct and responsible always applies the idea of not using drugs without your doctor's knowledge.

Doubt in adults can do this treatment and will have some result, however small? Doubt a teenager wants to take hormone growth and has 19 to 20 years may have some kind of future risk, without medical training

15 year old (1.63 m) taking hormone to, father and mother with 1.78 m 1.55 m can take the hormone for growth? Where to get it to query?

We have 2 sons, 10 and 11 years where can we make a query to get accurate information about treatment for growth they play football and disability at the time this generating some discomforts grateful.

Good night Well, when a person reaches a certain age e.g. reached age 20 and have not had that structure desirable. It can take still or have some risk '.

How do I query to find this kind of treatment?

Wanted to know if after 28 years, this hormone has some kind of effect on increasing height and if centimeters how come? I hope your return, thank you.

Wanted to know in adulthood has some effect of growth hormone

Most wanted to know if I can take hormone for growing taller I'm 20 years old and tenor 1.52 and I'm not satisfied with my how do I take this medicine. Health Program
And if you wanted to know if you can take hormone However don’t use Grow taller 4 idiots scam by Darwin Smith.

Grow taller 4 idiots by Darwin Smith - Why calcium helps

The growing taller formula by Darwin Smith the author of growing taller 4 idiots already standing at rest on one leg, the guy plays all the body weight on one leg, leaving the other slightly bent. The column forms an "S" (functional scoliosis). To fix, distribute the load on both feet and strengthen the abdomen.

Check the advantages - The third bad habit is the posture of fatigue, with the bowl tilted forward and the feet at an angle of "ten to two". Thus, the back is weakened. To straighten up, you need to direct the feet forward and the head and shoulders fit body.

Foods that help you grow

Calcium is a substance that ensures healthy growth and strength of bones. It also helps to prevent osteoporosis.

Already protein is important for muscle growth.

Sources of Calcium

- Milk

- Cheese

- Butter

- Sardine

- Spinach

Protein sources: Health Program

- Meat

- Fish

- Eggs

- Beans

- Acacia
A doubt: The teenager, who has wrist bones have closed, can do treatment for growth with the help of Grow taller 4 idiots torrent by Darwin Smith.

Grow taller 4 idiots by Darwin Smith - Early Diagnosis

Diagnosis and Early Growth Patterns with Grow taller 4 idiot’s torrent by Darwin Smith

Your baby is born with a gestational age at birth, your baby's doctor to confirm the size and weight of your baby will measure the age of the birth of your baby with the same dimensions using growth charts compared with other babies.

Check It over Here - Newborn baby’s birth to all infants by age growth charts created for the length (or weight) compares.

Representative growth graph 4 shows that in a certain range of measurements of healthy infants (shown in blue).

The standard deviation is a measure of the range (standard deviation = SD) is called. Baby, birth length and weight 2 SD below the normal growth curve in the diagnosis of SGA will be born with. (SGA-related range for babies is shown in yellow).

Symptoms of gestational age in later life

The next period of life, some of the differences compared to other children your child is born with SGA can be observed. These differences can occur and can include early growth hormone treatment;

Low weight 5

Short stature 6

Less muscle and more fat mass 7

Loss of appetite 5

May mean weaker bones later in life, before puberty, bone growth to be slower 8. Health Program

Shape Continued Growth in later life with Grow taller 4 idiots reviews by Darwin Smith.

Victorious Weight Loss with Daily Exercise & Food Diary

Victorious Weight Loss with Daily Exercise & Food Diary - If I asked you what you ate yesterday, you will be able to tell me. We are all prepared to put food in our mouths, automatically,

Check the advantages - Without really paying much attention to what we eat; it’s incredibly easy to eat an awful lot of junk without realizing it; so keep a journal of what you eat; bring a small note book with you wherever you go and write on anything and everything that you eat. This will help you realize just what you eat and help you understand what foods work best for you.

A significant percentage of dieters have very realistic goals with their diet. For example, realizing that next week / month are the dance / holiday / party company / other fact that should get rid of so much weight since then. Usually this weight loss goal can be achieved only through amputation! Make sure you set realistic and achievable weight loss goals. If you do not disappoint yourself and setting yourself up for failure; Health Program =>

Be realistic with your weight loss goals - These five secrets to help you lose weight successfully with any diet or weight loss program. Get on board and apply them to your life and you find yourself unable to lose weight quickly and easily.

Combined women’s health

It follows, however, that may be something significant, since female participation in the labor market is increasing.

Data collected in 2000 by the Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Diesel) show that most of the economically active populations of the metropolitan area of São Paulo are women.

Check It over Here - Between 1989 and 1996, the rate rose from 46% to 50% and, in the past, reached 53%.

In the opinion of Dr. Bernstein, the disease does not receive the necessary attention, including on account of prejudices. "

A woman with PMS is a laughingstock and often stigmatized, seen as neurotic.

The fear of being discriminated against just drifting further from the wife of an appropriate treatment, "he says.

But now there are outbreaks of a more proactive approach in relation to the syndrome.

An example is the Maternity Hospital São Luis, in São Paulo, which develops a program for managing the TPM, which participates Bernstein. Health Program

There, 75% of positions are occupied by women.

The superintendent of occupational health and hospital gynecologist, Alberto Dario says that 17% of the employees have the disease.

The aim of the service is to identify the type of TPM in which each employee passes and thus direct it to the alternative treatment possible. The goal is that, within a year and a half, there is a significant reduction of disturbances. Dr. Dario explains that, by recognizing their behavior, the employee may adjust their activities according to the hormonal moment.

Reducing the tension in your life

According to the doctor Khaddar, some preventative treatment may minimize the effects of PMS, such as maintaining a balanced diet (eating more fruits and vegetables, and reduce salt in food not to increase fluid retention), and physical activity.

"They reduce the tension. Walking, for example, is easy and works efficiently. "

Check It over Here - But it's not all pain and discomfort.

The premenstrual syndrome can also cause positive effects. Psychologist Monica account that does not feel satisfied until they see the immediate return of their activities mostly on work when "those days".

The same occurs with, manager of marketing and communication Bras. "I'm 100% focused on results.

When I'm in the period preceding menstruation, I feel that I am much more attentive and careful. I cannot go home if any issue is not resolved, "says Louisa, although he admits feeling the mood changes:" I am more impatient and intolerant, arguing for things for nothing. "

 Some research, according to Dr. Berenstein, reveals that approximately 60% of women with PMS have at least one positive symptom, as more energy to perform tasks and creativity sharper.

"A woman uses these favorable points for your personal growth. Does every rebellion, aggression and questioning - even though accompanied by some disappointment were not one of the female revolution? Health Program


 - In Brazil, there are no statistics or studies that show the impact of PMS at work.

Health Reviews - Regular diabetes

The cost for each employee was real 3, used for the purchase of disposable material. The grant was extended also to the spouses of employees.

"These are tests that we only do when we already have a symptom, not a preventive manner," says Andrea Pereira, president of CIPA Navajo.

Check It over Here - It reinforces the difficulty in finding a person who takes regular diabetes, although I believe that cholesterol already are more common.

"But for those who have always suspected something, so much that many of us had never done," he adds.

Apart from checking the contents of cholesterol and diabetes, employees had access to posters with information about diseases, how to prevent them and treat them.

According to the manager of the health SESC Rio, Ana Cristina Pimentel, a good guideline reduces going to the medical service.

This is an important item for managing health risks and the consequent reduction in health care costs, one of the issues that most concern companies. "

Organizations must adhere to this type of campaign to increase the well-being of employees," says Ana Health Program

The early knowledge of existing diseases, detection of risk factors for the increased incidence of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, various cancers, diabetes and hypertension, conditions gives the various company departments, such as HR, to provide the correctness of the findings.

A company to whom the executive devotes most of his time plays a key role in the health of it, cannot stimulate or lifestyle healthier.

Gneneral Health And Fitness Reviews - Having diabetes

Hidden and insidious

Almost half of the population is unaware they have diabetes and 40% is above the tolerable levels of cholesterol. The decrease in these indexes can begin by companies

Check It over Here - According to data from the Brazilian Diabetes Society, 46.5% of the population is unaware they have diabetes.

When it comes to heart, Vex Popular Institute data show that almost 40% of Brazilians have exceeded tolerable levels of cholesterol, but despite this, 61% never did a test to see how fares your.

José Carlos Ferreira, Administrative Assistant Navajo systems, the Rio de Janeiro, was a good example of these statistics.

 He recently discovered that his cholesterol level was above the desirable level.

"I've never done this test before because I never thought I could have this kind of health problem, since I practice sports on the weekends and try to have a balanced diet," he says.

Ferreira is now part of the group of five employees, the total of 104 Navajo who have problems of blood pressure or cholesterol.

This mapping is a result of a campaign for the prevention of diabetes and cholesterol made by the company in partnership with the Social Service of Commerce (SESC) of Rio de Janeiro. Health Program

Two doctors, a nutritionist and a nurse SESC conducted examinations and guide employees in accordance with the diagnoses of each.

To facilitate this initiative, the company supported the value of the examination.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Risk of onset of symptoms

Among women, there are still biological and social factors that contribute to a greater exposure to the problem. "

Check It over Here - Many end up performing the more fragmented and repetitive tasks, in addition to performing activities with effort also in their homes," said Grimalkin. In addition, they have a higher emotional liability, i.e. a higher emotional assimilate more easily than men.

The question also influences hormone enough, according to the doctor, "Changes caused by menstrual period, as the retention liquids, increase the risk of onset of symptoms, as there may be more difficult by forcing certain muscle groups and ligaments. "

 Major symptoms presented by patients with MSDs are pain, parenthesis (tingling), heaviness and fatigue - usually upper limbs, but can affect the lower limbs.

 Its causes can be numerous, it is important to analyze the risk factors involved directly or indirectly (check below). Trouble is a worldwide phenomenon. Health Program

 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States alone, the MSDs cause a loss of about $ 20 billion because of cases of absence from work.

The best way to avoid this problem is prevention. In this case, the role of the occupational physician is essential.

"It helps in early diagnosis, control of risk factors and replacement of workers within a health promotion program, seeking to prevent occupational health problems

 Decreases the possibility of aggravation and cases, and guide those who need rehabilitation, "said Grimalkin.

Occupational diseases

Female concern

Occupational diseases affect women more. They are the most affected by so-called DORT (Osseo-muscular disorders related to work).

Check It over Here - They do not receive the same attention to diseases such as hypertension (high blood pressure), depression or stress, but the so-called DORT (Osseo-muscular disorders related to work) is the leading cause of absenteeism from work in Brazil.

Only in the last five years, have opened more than 500 000 CATs (Communication of Injury) generated by MSDs.

The problem affects more women as emotional and biological factors contribute to greater exposure to these diseases.

Although there are few statistics on the subject, according to a report from the Study of Gender Issues in Safety and Health at Work, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, in ten cases of MSDs, eight are women.

WRMD The word does not determine pathology, much less a syndrome, but refers to several diseases that can occur when there is a commitment that has Osseo-muscular connection with the work activity developed.

According to the president of the São Paulo Society of Occupational Medicine, Risqué Grimalkin, this impairment can occur from overuse of certain muscle groups in repetitive movements with or without required effort located, or the permanence of body segments in certain positions for long prolonged. Health Program

The need for concentration and attention of workers to carry out their activities and the strain imposed by the organization of labor are also factors that may affect the occurrence of MSDs," he says.

Medical and technical coordinator

Christine Linger, medical and technical coordinator of the check up Micelle says that tests also reveal executives with high incidence of high cholesterol, overweight and physical inactivity.

Check It over Here - Till adds some data to this diagnosis:”

In a series of 1,550 executives, found 57% of the group with the overweight or frankly obese, 46% who declared themselves as sedentary, 58.5% had total cholesterol above normal; 21 % with HDL-cholesterol (the fraction of beneficial cholesterol) below normal, and 65% with abnormal levels of emotional stress. "

 The recommended interval for a check-up is annual. "But we must be attentive to every particular case.

Carriers of diseases that require closer observation should make your follow up with a doctor.

Likewise, certain preventive tests need not be repeated every year if they are normal on examination earlier, "says till.

 Brunei believes that investment can bring benefits in the medium and long term, some reduction in the total cost of the health benefit. "

If you have good health prevention in the company, therefore the cost of medical care tends to decrease. Health Program

Such awareness is important and we constantly try to take it to employees, noting that the investment made ​​by companies in medical care is increasing, as some medical services that are increasingly costly and thus is rather a topic that deserves attention.

“In the opinion of Till, the check-up allows the development of programs in health, preventive and corrective in individual and group company executives."

The Health Program - To promote health

To promote health

And what would be the advantage of performing a check-up and not a boatload of tests followed by visits to all physicians?

Check It over Here - "It's the first case, the person is accompanied by a multidisciplinary team, which will make a more holistic analysis of the general health," says Lopes.

Micelle & Associates The Preventive Medicine conducts this monitoring, in partnership with the Syrian-Lebanese Hospital , with the companies that offer customers check up for its executives.

According to Gunnar Micelle Net, CEO of Micelle, this work is done within the organization through meetings, e-mails and distribution of information material. "

Our goal is to promote a change in habits and lifestyle," he says. The importance of this follow-up, according to Antonio Antoinette, manager of outpatient programs and the Syrian, due to the fact that there is some resistance from people in which refers to the change in lifestyle, such as changing eating habits and engaging in physical activities.

"Excuses like lack of time are common. Monitoring helps overcome these barriers."

Among the most serious health problems identified in the check-up stand out linked to emotional stress, according to Till, the Vita Check-up. "Health Program

Skin problems - such as psoriasis, seborrhea dermatitis and dyshidrosis - are often observed, as well as gastro-intestinal problems - gastritis, esophageal reflux disease and irritable bowel - as well as sleep disorders, memory and cardiovascular manifestations such as hypertension, tachycardia’s and other arrhythmias, "he says.

The health insurance companies

Another advantage for the organization, according till, is the assurance that their investments in vocational training their executives are backed by a health condition that will ensure adequate return and greater assurance that one key professional will certainly work because of health problems in the short and medium term. "

Check It over Here - This is very important today, since the demand for executives with the labor market, in general, is very large, which can lead to increased wear and eventual development of pathologies," corroborates Brunei, BASF. Currently, the check-up is not covered by insurance. "

What happens is that some companies that show good performance of the medical care provided to their employees

 That is, the rational plan - rather than ask for a bigger discount from a service provider, choose to add this service to their more employees, "said Ricardo Lopes, consultant Pro Pay

When this is not possible, the tendency is to seek partnerships with hospitals or businesses that make this bridge.

According to till, the health insurance companies have not paid attention to the importance of knowing the health of its policyholders. "

This would allow even more affordable plans offered today with a risk margin certainly less for themselves," he says.

And while they do not assimilate this advice, the check-up is paid by the clients themselves or what happens most of the time, partly by companies. Health Program

At BASF, 90% of its value is funded by the organization. Though the cost of a check up to be relatively high, averaging 1800 to 2000 actual real Lopes points out that it is a worthwhile investment as it creates a culture of prevention.