Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Catechins Destroys Essential Radicals

It is proved that catechins destroy free radicals responsible, among others for aging. They are also able to inhibit the growth of already existing tumor cells, importantly, of the different types of cancer. To take full advantage of the action of catechins, tea should be brewed (regardless of type) for at least five minutes then released about 80 percent. These beneficial substances are for instant tea lovers to inform you that, unfortunately, do not contain these compounds. Researchers from Harvard Medical School, said, however, that the risk of myocardial infarction everyone should drink green tea regularly. It does not contain caffeine, which effectively prevents blood clots from the popular aspirin. This tea is also indicated for the prevention of osteoporosis. The condition of the beneficial effects of the drink is drinking at least two cups a day. Vaccine in the cup if, after reading this list not to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, it's time for the message to the last minute. American researchers have shown is that tea helps our immune system, acting as a vaccine. This is something completely new! Colleagues at Harvard Medical School have shown that this is possible because the cells of tea leave show some similarity to ... certain bacteria, fungi and even cancer cells, although it sounds scary, not dismayed because this is the only common feature of some kind of antigens, or molecules on the surface of cells. Each bacterium, virus, and our own cell has distinctive features Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle or 31 Day Fat Loss Cure Review Read more reviews about health http://www.healthreviewspot.com/burn-the-fat-feed-the-muscle-review/..

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