Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Weight Loss - Fruits and Veggies Stay You Natural

 Posted By: Evie Cressida Fitness Expert for more details visit my web page www.HealthReviewSpot.Com

Usually, when a person loses weight, it is very noticeable that his face and gets sharper and leaner. Usually the face will slim down first because excess water is gone. Follow these simple steps to lose weight and get a lean, healthy and toned face.

A: Drink plenty of water. You should drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Drink at least nine 8 glasses of water a day. Drink more than that if you are an active person and always exposed to the sun. The thing is our body has a natural protective system. When you do not drink enough water, your body will naturally think that you are stranded in a dessert and have not enough water.

Therefore, it would store more water, as it can keep you alive and be there when you get bloated. Conversely, if you drink enough water, your body will flush out all the unnecessary water because it knows that the system has enough water. Stick to plain water. Sodas and sugared drink would not help because they contain sugar and will lead to bloating too.

B: Do not forget your fruits and veggies! Stay natural and eat at least three servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables each day. This will not only fill with less calories and help you to stay away from junk food, Fruits and vegetables also contains water that can help you stay hydrated. Plus, it's packed with fiber that gives many health benefits. Make yourself a healthy fruit salad for snack instead of a chocolate .

Choose your fruit carefully though; Controls the amount of grapes bananas and pineapples because they are high in fructose. Go for apples, oranges, all sorts of berries and grapefruit because they are low glycolic index carbohydrates and packed with anti oxidants.

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